Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Procrastination Nation

Procrastination is something everyone can do. It is also something everyone can live without. People have been procrastinating since the beginning of mankind and will continue to do so for as long as we can tell. There are many reasons as to why people procrastinate. Some of these reasons are straight up dabbed in your face while others you may not realize at first.

Not the better type of optimism, but still optimism. People tend to tell themselves “Yeah! I know I can get it done later!” In reality though, they can’t. People tend to tell themselves that they can get all their work done in a shorter amount of time they need and thus end up sleeping at three am. This ties in with lying to yourself. People tend to say that the assignment is easy or that they can finish it all the next day. Turns out, your teacher gives you an extra assignment and all you can do is cry.

Again, not the good type of excitement, but still excitement. Some people tend to procrastinate because of the rush they feel knowing that the assignment is due in less than an hour. This may sound ridiculous but it is true and somewhat effective (coming from personal experience). When you feel the rush that you know that the teacher is coming around to collect the work you’re still working on, your brain for some weird reason starts jogging all these good ideas. Maybe it’s the adrenaline, or maybe it’s your brains way of teasing you. Either way, doing things last minute definitely is a heart pounder.

This time around, it’s the laziness we all know and love. Laziness affects everyone. It’s just person’s self-control if they choose to do what they want to do in the most time efficient way possible. Lack of interest and motivation is key here. Students tend to say that the material is boring and often stray off from what they’re doing. One minute they were solving a triangle for its sides the next they were marathoning their favorite anime series. *ahem* That definitely wasn’t me thirty minutes ago but continuing with my point, sometimes student just have to sit down, and tell themselves to “just do it.” –Nike

 Procrastination is something we’re not born with. It’s just something we mentally tell ourselves to do. With a little push, some motivation, and just a lot of willpower, anyone can overcome their procrastination problems. So what about you? Do you procrastinate or are you one of those people who can overcome the temptations of pulling things off later?

P.s. Wrote this blog three whole days before it was due, how’s that for procrastination?