Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ha Ha Ha! Oh That Wasn't A Joke?

Laughing has been going on since who knows when. It’s something everyone can understand. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Englishmen talking to a Chinese, if you laugh, they will know exactly what’s in your mind. You’re happy! Or really crazy. That too.

What if I told you it’s impossible to force yourself to laugh? Try it right now, are you really laughing? Well of course not. It’s been proven that you can’t trick your brain into a real laugh; they’re too smart for that. Now try recalling what you and your friends did today that made you laugh. It felt great didn’t it? Well did you know that we laugh thirty times as much with our friends than when we’re by ourselves?  Plus, laughing helps the bond between individuals. So next time you’re with your friends, don’t forget to laugh! Not that you weren’t going to anyways.

You know the old saying, “laughing is the best medicine,” well believe me, it’s true. Laughing helps fight away harmful diseases. And by diseases, I mean stress. I don’t remember the last time a person who was laughing and having a good time had a load of stress. Unless, well you know, that person was procrastinating. On that note, it has been scientifically proven that laughter can help extend your lifespan. So what are you waiting for? Get laughing! Here are some jokes to get you started.

How does NASA organize their company parties? They planet.
Two fish are in a tank. One turns to the other and asks “How do you drive this thing?”
Last night I almost had a threesome, I only needed two more people!
Why didn’t the lifeguard save the hippie? Because he was too far out man!
The dyslexic devil worshipper sold his soul to Santa.
Why don’t you ever see hippopotamus hiding in trees? Because they’re really good at it.

I was also going to tell a street joke but it wasn’t very concrete so. Well hopefully I could get you to laugh a little. If not, hang out with your friends! You’ll be surprised on how much you laugh. Ciaooo  

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