Monday, March 16, 2015

Anime Review: Mirai Nikki

Mirai Nikki is an intense anime with a mix of psychological thriller, action, and romance. Yuki is a boy who gains the ability to read the future through his personal diary and thinks it must be some sort of miracle, that is, until he finds out that there are 11 other people who also have their own unique diary's and are his opponents in a fight to the death in order to determine the next god. In comes a girl, Gasai Yuno, whose sole purpose in life is to love, care for, and kill others in order to protect Yuki. Everything's all fine and dandy except that, there can only be one winner of this battle royale!

Story: 9
Any anime that can throw a plot twist within another plot twist from the very first episode to the last (don’t worry, I won’t spoil it) has got to have an amazing story, right? Well for the most part, it was very enjoyable with a lot of character development, which is pretty rare nowadays. For the other part however, it was confusing. So confusing that it might take a re-watch or two just to understand everything which in itself is not really a bad thing because of how good the anime is.

Art and Sound: 10
Creepy, dramatic, and suspenseful music. This type of music that everyone might not even notice, takes place every episode, and it happens perfectly. On the animation side, there was nothing really bad worth noting. The action scenes were well animated and the characters look exactly like what anime characters should look like.

Characters: 10
The characters, or should I say, Gasai Yuno. She is what makes or breaks this anime for most viewers as she is seen as the epitome of yandere. To some, this means that she’s just a creepy stalker who would kill anyone for Yuki but to others (like me) she’s just in obsessive love, and it’s sort of cute. I’m not going to dwell into the other characters that much because Yuno was pretty much the star of this anime, not some wimpy boy who can’t even fight for himself.

Overall: 9.5

Plot twists, crazy girls killing for their love, and a fight to the death battle royal, what more could you ask for? Mirai Nikki is a suspenseful thriller that leaves views wanting and anticipating what’s going to happen in the next episode. Let’s just say, there is never a dull moment in this anime. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Anime Review: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

"I'm Nyarlathotep, the creeping chaos always smiling beside you." One of your typical everyday harem animes. This particular anime casts an ordinary boy named Mahiro who just wants to live out his normal high school days. He’s in for a surprise when he’s targeted by monsters from the Cthulhu mythology but is in for an even bigger surprise when he is protected by one of them, Nyarlothotep or Nyaruko for short. Well here’s my review on the anime, let’s Nya!

Story: 6
As with most harem animes, there really is no plot whatsoever. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is definitely no exception. If you enjoy repetitiveness and practically the same jokes being told over and over, then I guess you have no real reason to hate the story. However, as with most people, I prefer new things happening occasionally as well with all the “lovey-dovey” that goes around in this anime.

Art and Sound: 9
Anime began looking good (and where they are today) since typically around 2008. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san being made in 2012 should have no trouble keeping up this standard and to their extent, they do. The art is cool and flashy with animations good enough to keep kids in school. I have to admit though, that their music is absolutely one of my favorites. Oh! Nya! Oh! Nya!

Characters: 6
As much as I adore harem animes, this wasn’t one. Well, I mean, your typical one with a typical cast. No Haiyore! Nyaruko-san brings a lot more to the plate. For some that’s good, but for others, ehh well, let’s just say it’s weird. I don’t want to dig into the details, but if you’re interested in the cast you can always check the anime out.

Overall: 7

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is a twelve episode anime with good laughs and has some (and I mean some) really sweet moments. On top of the weirdly characterized cast and occasional monster fights, there really aren’t many differences from your other typical harem animes. If you’re interested in a wide cast of unique people, comedy, occasional action, and random romance, then this anime is for you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Anime Review: K-On!

As an everyday anime watcher, there has been only a few shows that have caught my attention. And one of them, would be K-On!

Story: 8
K-On! is about a group of girls who come to together and form a band called Houkago Tea Time. K-On! itself is to what most people refer to as a slice of life anime, meaning it has no plot which makes every episode just another random event happening one after another. Some people enjoy this while others prefer an actual story to play out while they watch. While that may be the case, K-On! does the slice of life industry justice. K-On!'s mix of comedy, music, and romance/friendship (don't worry, there's no yuri) makes even a storyless anime an enjoyable one.

Art and Sound: 10
This is always a matter of opinion, but between the great openings and endings and occasional concerts these girls had, I would say their taste of music is great. The animation is also not something to joke around about either. For being a 2009 anime, K-On! sure knew how to make the animations cute and fluid. With a combination of their cute and sweet music with the cute and sweet animations, it just goes to show how great an anime it can be. Moe Moe Kyun~!

Characters: 9
This is what usually makes or breaks a slice of life anime, and luckily for K-On!, the cast was amazing. From the over energetic Ritsu playing drums to the clumsy guitarist Yui who can only focus on one thing at a time, the characters were basically made for each other. With a great amount of cuteness from each character and a great role they had being in the band, I can't think of any other characters to fit more perfectly for the roles.

Overall: 9
K-On! is a cute and relaxing 13 episode anime that I believe anyone can enjoy. With many of the episodes not even focusing on their band, you can expect that most of time the girls will just be slacking off and having a good time. Slice of life animes can take some time to get a little adjusting to, but if you do enjoy just watching an anime for laughs and enjoyment, then you should give K-On! a shot.

My Favorite Houkago Tea Time Song :D

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How "Dere" You?

As most anime viewers know, there are many different types of anime girls. Everyone already knows about the clumsy, oblivious main guy character that for some weird reason every girl falls for, but there is always a variety of girls who do so. Today I’m going to go over the different types and feel free share which type of “dere” is your favorite.

The typical girl that you will find in almost every single anime and if it doesn’t have one, then I don’t know what anime you’re watching. A tsundere is a girl who’s conflicted with her love towards the main guy. On the inside, she loves him, but on the outside, she too embarrassed to show it. The most common way she hides her love is through violence and very shaky statements such as “I-I-I  d-don’t like you or anything!”

Kuudere is a combination of “cool” and “dere.” As you can probably tell, this means that the girl will probably stay quiet and act unemotional most of the time.  These girls sound pretty, well, cool and all but unfortunately, they never win the guy over. Sad ending for such a chill girl.

Last but not least, I’ll be going over yanderes. These are your crazy will do anything for your love girls. And by anything, I mean ANYTHING. This would sound like any guy’s dream, to have a girl be madly in love with him, but if the girl would kill your whole family to just be alone with you, I don’t think that’d be enjoyable.

Well throughout the hundreds of thousands of animes, these three types would and should be the most common. So next time you watch an anime (if you do) don’t forget to lookout for these three archetypes. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Procrastination Nation

Procrastination is something everyone can do. It is also something everyone can live without. People have been procrastinating since the beginning of mankind and will continue to do so for as long as we can tell. There are many reasons as to why people procrastinate. Some of these reasons are straight up dabbed in your face while others you may not realize at first.

Not the better type of optimism, but still optimism. People tend to tell themselves “Yeah! I know I can get it done later!” In reality though, they can’t. People tend to tell themselves that they can get all their work done in a shorter amount of time they need and thus end up sleeping at three am. This ties in with lying to yourself. People tend to say that the assignment is easy or that they can finish it all the next day. Turns out, your teacher gives you an extra assignment and all you can do is cry.

Again, not the good type of excitement, but still excitement. Some people tend to procrastinate because of the rush they feel knowing that the assignment is due in less than an hour. This may sound ridiculous but it is true and somewhat effective (coming from personal experience). When you feel the rush that you know that the teacher is coming around to collect the work you’re still working on, your brain for some weird reason starts jogging all these good ideas. Maybe it’s the adrenaline, or maybe it’s your brains way of teasing you. Either way, doing things last minute definitely is a heart pounder.

This time around, it’s the laziness we all know and love. Laziness affects everyone. It’s just person’s self-control if they choose to do what they want to do in the most time efficient way possible. Lack of interest and motivation is key here. Students tend to say that the material is boring and often stray off from what they’re doing. One minute they were solving a triangle for its sides the next they were marathoning their favorite anime series. *ahem* That definitely wasn’t me thirty minutes ago but continuing with my point, sometimes student just have to sit down, and tell themselves to “just do it.” –Nike

 Procrastination is something we’re not born with. It’s just something we mentally tell ourselves to do. With a little push, some motivation, and just a lot of willpower, anyone can overcome their procrastination problems. So what about you? Do you procrastinate or are you one of those people who can overcome the temptations of pulling things off later?

P.s. Wrote this blog three whole days before it was due, how’s that for procrastination?